cordprimenra1979 2020. 3. 16. 03:07

Mere Brother Ki Dulhan - Preview Mere Brother Ki Dulhan - The title pretty much gives it away. And what's left is given away by the trailer. So, we are promised a quick recap of with a hint of the story from. The hope is that the sum of the parts will be greater than the individual parts. Or at the very least, we can look forward to some fresh fun along the way. I didn't think I'd ever say this but I'm actually not feeling so bad about seeing Imran Khan (after ) and Katrina Kaif (after). Both had some awesome comic timing going in their films and that's exactly what they need for what looks like a predictable love-triangular rom-com.

It's safe to assume that the basic plot will be predictable, right? After all, the banner producing it is Yash Raj Films. The probability of me enjoying one of their products is 50-50, but we can almost always tell how a film coming out of their house is going to end. I'm surprised that despite the candy-floss flavor that the trailer carries I'm still neutral about how I might enjoy the film. Maybe because I remember how unenthused I felt after watching Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara's trailer and yet I loved the film. Here's an attempt at hoping that the book will be better than the cover - especially the artwork of the title of the film.

Music reviews: - 'After that predictable and insipid start, composer Sohail Sen does manage to salvage the soundtrack!' - '7/10' - '4/5' - '3.5/5' - 'a typical Yashraj album with songs that will be liked instantly by the public' - 'a clever composer giving listeners a decent experience with Mere Brother Ki Dulhan.' - meeta, a part of the audience. Rom-coms like Mere Brother Ki Dulhan make you wonder what 'love' really is. It doesn't really give you any deep understanding of the concept in general or even in terms of the characters. In fact, the way characters fall in and out of love in Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, it is clear that the film doesn't want us to take it or any of its characters seriously. The basic idea is to have fun, other things, like logic, etc can wait for another film.

And so you go with the writer's definition of what love is - spending some good fun time together. Thankfully, the 'fun' part is enjoyable. And it is only because of Katrina Kaif.

It's like she just cut herself loose. You can sense all the stiff body language, awkwardness and self-consciousness in her films so far, when you see how freely she's breathing here. This freedom also is helped by the fact that there are no serious moments in the film, even when her character is in pretty much deep sh!t.

So, that saves her from having to emote anything other than a cheerful face. Within that though, she aces her comic timing. The rest of the cast, including Imran Khan, look like mere pawns that are necessary to create context for her to be jubilant.

Even so, while Imran Khan goes about the motions of being awed by the stunning Katrina Kaif, Ali Zafar progressively kills bits of interest you can have in his character, with every time that he opens his mouth. The accent, the mannerisms, the body language are all annoyingly over-the-top.

Also, the story is structured such that it revolves around Katrina Kaif's character Dimple. Her free spirit attracts everyone around her to her. Sure, the dialogue is witty and there are enough laughs in there for one and all, but anyone who has seen the trailer, or even heard the title of the film, knows how the film is going to end. And that is exactly why, we won't get involved in the story. We don't invest too much attention on the story because we know by hook or crook, the inevitable is going to happen.

I won't say the writers haven't tried to make the 'how they get there' part interesting. They try and even succeed a bit in the earlier parts of the film. But as the film progresses, the situation gets more and more ridiculous. And you begin to feel the climax is being postponed unnecessarily.

Other fillers like songs break in abruptly, but the music and especially the lyrics are entertaining. Also, the picturization - that is the dances and colors used for costumes/art work make the screen look vibrant and full of energy. I didn't think a day would come when I'd say that the only thing going for a film is Katrina Kaif. Take her out and the film collapses because the material is weak. Mere Brother Ki Dulhan starts with asking me to believe that an outgoing, flirtatious guy is convincing his brother to look for a wife for him and has in it everything from social pressure by families to gullible parents who are being played around by their children.

They try to use wit in weird situations the characters get themselves into; they succeed partially, but it is difficult to overlook the overall disregard to sense or rather overt respect for nonsense. meeta, a part of the audience. Thumbs up, by Stefan S,.Director Ali Abbas Zafar utilizes the two halves structure well. Thumbs up, by Naresh Deoshi,.a fun watch.

Thumbs up, by Bobby Sing,.Though you already know the plot, still do watch it for the chemistry between the cast, their fun and for Katrina in a brand new avtaar. Thumbs up, by Taran Adarsh,.delectably wholesome, heartening, feel-good entertainer. Thumbs up, by Payal,.Entertainment ka complete dose. Thumbs up, by Smita,.Worth gate crashing this wedding! Thumbs up, by Divya Solgama,.On the flip side the over acting of Ali Zafar is highly irritating.

Thumbs up, by Komal Nahta,.reasonable entertainment value, very good music, exciting song picturisations which will all result in a good run at the box-office. Thumbs up,.While Katrina is already spoken for, it is the chemistry between her and Imran that really makes the film shine. Content to play the foil, the straight man to Katrina's looniness, Imran seems quite comfortable in the passenger's seat here. Thumbs up, by Bhavikk Sangghvi,.Tara D’souza is good in a brief role. Parikshit Sahani & Kanwaljeet lend able support. Thumbs up, by K N Gupta,.The director and also screenplay writer is intelligent enough to convert the adverse scenario into a happy one by giving a twist to the tale. Thumbs up, by K K Rai,.A good entertaining flick from Yashraj.

Thumbs up, by Nikhat Kazmi,.It's an interesting debut by director Ali Abbas Zafar, yet ironically something seems to hold him back from creating a full blown comedy. Thumbs up, by SpiceZee Bureau,.touches the right chord and doesn’t overkill the fun.

So-So, by Anna Vetticad,.On the downside then, too much in this film is underlined and then re-stressed in the effort to be funny. So-So,.Watch it for Katrina Kaif! So-So, by Manu Agarwal,.Katrina-all-the-way. So-So, by Rony D'costa,.Devoid of any drama that a subject like this can bring which Onir tried in the forgettable Sorry Bhai, this film focuses purely on being light and frothy. So-So, by Ameetbhuvan,.light and fluffy entertainer.

So-So, by Deepa Deosthalee,.' MBKD' offers only a cosmetic break from tradition.

But for those of us squeezed dry week after week by thinly veiled sado-misogyny, it still feels like an oasis in the desert. So-So, by Deepa Gahlot,.Katrina Kaif is spirited and uninhibited and fun to watch, can’t say the same about the guys.

So-So,.Ali Zafar is very natural in front of the camera; his comic timing is perfect and his dialogue delivery flawless. So-So, by Anjuri Nayar,.Katrina is incredible in the movie; she is apt actor for the role. Her character develops from being a carefree rebel to someone who wants an arranged marriage for the sake of her family. So-So, by Subhash K Jha,.Zafar who delighted in the satirical mode of 'Tere Bin Laden', returns with yet another performance that knows how over-the-top to go without toppling over. So-So, by Shilpa Jamkhandikar,.There are way too many songs in the film and Zafar loses control sporadically. This could have been a shorter, tighter film.

So-So, by Sonia Chopra,.Kush’s characterization is very simplistic, but at least it’s consistent. Luv’s character sketch is again a bundle of puzzles. He’s flirtatious but wants to marry, misses his ex-girlfriend but is happy to move on.

You’re never quite sure what’s happening. Thumbs down, by Baradwaj Rangan,.Rarely has a romcom felt so unrommy and so uncommy, and I say this as someone who thinks 27 Dresses is a blasphemously underrated instance of the genre. Thumbs down, by Geetha Vanan,.Due credit must be given as the dialogue is written so that the supporting cast gets the best lines, not just the leads, and there are no obvious bad traits to scrutinize and discriminate against the lead characters.


Thumbs down, by Charu A Mahesh,.first half gives away the entire movie leaving second half with nothing much to say. Hence, the tempo hits a low and even the twist-in-the-tale (if at all it is a twist) fails to bounce it back. Thumbs down, by Nandita Dutta,.a recycled product born out of stale imagination, and derived from all that we have known as mainstream Hindi cinema. Thumbs down, by Ankur,.Brides' a Rockstar, Rest All Prejudiced.

Thumbs down, by Mehul Suri,.Another one bites the dust. Thumbs down, by Aniruddha Guha,.another daft Yash Raj film. Thumbs down, by Rahul Gangwani,.All seen and suffered, this is a film which does have some candy floss fun moments. Thumbs down,.The Taj Mahal is a consistent motif abused unabashedly to underline the romantic overtures between the lead pair, especially when there is simply no zing in the air around them. Thumbs down, by Nupur Barua,.This is more Katrina's movie than Imran's, and she mucks it up. You cannot expect her to carry a movie on her shoulders (she looks pretty, but that is about it) - she screeches her dialogues, in an effort to be funny, and falls flat on her face.

Thumbs down, by Martin D'Souza,.And even though Katrina is having the time of a life in a care-free role, it is Ali Zafar, who plays Imran Khan's older brother, who steals the lightning and thunder. Thumbs down, by Mayank Shekhar,.Mere brother ki dull one. Thumbs down, by Rajeev Masand,.Aside from a few enjoyable moments, this film recycles so much that you've already seen before. Thumbs down, by Kaveree Bamzai,.She tries hard, but if the movie stays even marginally afloat it is because of Imran Khan. Thumbs down, by Sanjukta Sharma,.Kaif’s lack of acting skills is sorely obvious again. Thumbs down, by Shubha Shetty-Saha,.Even when spouting inane dialogues in even more unbelievable scenes, Zafar stands out with his perfect body language and great acting ability.

Thumbs down, by Mansha Rastogi,.MBKD is a shoddy rom-com that tests not only your patience but intelligence too. It is extremely long and is marred by bad acting, bad setting and bad script. Thumbs down, by Sukanya Verma,.The dainty star's free spirited delivery is akin to the gullibility and mischief of six-year-old mouthing inanities without knowing what they really mean. That's one of the most rewarding aspects of being a success in Bollywood. It lets one's greatest disadvantage become their most defining characteristic. Thumbs down, by Ruchi Mehta,.Bakwas movie hai, time waste mat karo kyunki sabki acting kharaab hai, jokes aren’t funny and I can’t think of anything positive about it!


Thumbs down, by Sudhish Kamath,.Katrina puts the Dull in Dulhan. Thumbs down, by Reel Reptile,.I've seen this film of theirs, and I will see more, and I can safely claim that we can't be blamed for being so cynical about the content they churn out. In fact, their trailers are probably the best part of their productions. Smart PR move, that, though, I must say. : Mere brother ki dulhan.Awesome movie.

@AliZafarforu is just amazing:)): Agreed. It is not your usual run of the mill hindi movie RT @krtgrphr Mere Brother Ki Dulhan was surprisingly fun.: Watched Mere Brother Ki Dulhan today in cinema really loved the movie.1st half was good.but 2nd half was just amazing.Superb performances: Liked 'Mere brother ki dulhan'.it was superb. Quite a mad film, predictable but still fun! Also, #KatrinaKaif for best actress?:P #MBKD: Mere Brother ki Dulhan gud entertainer!!: MBKD - A good TP:-): Mere brother ki dulhan. Katrina killed it.

Honestly, after a long time.: Mere brother ki dulhan.:much funn film.everyone had gr8 a hav to see movie.must must c.: Watched #MBKD- Awesome film! Good fun all round, left with a smile on my face =): It's the movie to watch! Lighthearted, uncomplicated fun! #Mbkd: Highly entertaining movie #MBKD!

Outstanding acting by @AliZafarforu! On his way to stardom!:) Must watch. #moviereviews: 'mere brother ki dulhan'.awsum movie.must watch.:): MBKD was such a nice movie:DD. : Watchin 'Mere brother ki dulhan' ONLY hurricane KATRINA blows ure mind!

She is beautiful beyond words! An adorable performance! The SAVIOUR!: Mere brother ki dulhan, 3/5.: Mere brother Ki dulhan is a decent watch. First half is good. Second half is ok. Ali Zafar did a better job than Imran Khan.: MBKD- ok movie. Not that good but not that bad.

Katerina Kaif is hot hot hot in Dhunki!!: 0o MBKD was so so: Mere brother ki dulhan is soo predictable!! Some scenes are good but the film was OKAY!

U know what ll happen next.: #singhcdFILMreviews Mere Brother Ki Dulhan 3.It sadly doesn't break ny new grounds despite wat its premise suggest,But it is enjoyable: Watched the #movie 'mere brother ki dulhan'. An average movie. #MBKD rocked.: watched MBKD strictly a one time watch worth. Second hald went dead slow.: Fun but average movie #MBKD - Katrina performed well n looks pretty. Didn't like acting of that Zafar guy!: watched MBKD. Gives you a feel good feeling.

Mbkd Stock

Ali Zafar's acting is far more better than Imran Khan's: Watched mere brother ki dulhan.!!!Ali zafar was soo cute.!!though the movie was anoying at times.!!bt he rocked it for me.!:D: This is what I call a movie to kill Time on a Weekend. Mere Brother Ki Dulhan – An Average Timepass cc @idiva: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan was alright but the characters were well funny!! Specially @AliZafarforu.

: Katrina kaif was terrible in #mbkd please leave bollywood and spare us: Movie Review: Mere Brother ki Dulhan - Mere Migraine ka Reason.: mere bro. Ki dulhan F.A.L.T.U hai: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan is a chick flick with a license to mock SRK - All three fair ladies in the lead look pretty but cant act. #RefundPlz: #Mistakeoftheday i saw 'mere brother ki dulhan today'!: I don't enjoy the movie mere brother ki dulhan. Comedy is fine. But nt f9 story.: Mere brother Ki Dulhan competing valiantly with zaitoon for the 'buggered my day' title: Has to be one of the most retarded movies ever. #MBKD: Mere brother ki dulhan #yawn slept in the 1st half!!: js watcd 'mere brother ki dulhan'.name shd hv bn 'dushman ki dulhan'!!so borin.d jokes wr so unreal.tried,bt nah.can't laugh!: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan is so so below AVG movie: An incredible actor was wasted in #MBKD #AliZafarforu: RT I just saw ' Mere Brother Ki Dulhan ': Best part of the movie was the Popcorn i ate and the Piss i took.

#ShitCinema: I'd give a modest 2. for Mere Brother Ki Dulhan. If u hv nothing else to do go watch this.: Mere brother ki Dulhan is so boring.: Haha.Need 2 ask the director of MBKD 2 return Ticket amt.: recovering from mere brother ki dulhan. Could've done without Ali Zafar:D: Didn't like MBKD at all!!! Katrina looked gorgeously gorgeous, everyone in the movie was overacting but, poor Imran, couldn't even do that.: Do urself a favour.dnt watch mere brother ki dulhan.argh.#pathetic: Saw mere brother ki dulhan yesterday! Imran looks like Kat's younger bro, Ali constantly overacts, waste of 500rs & my Saturday #bollywood: MBKD is gud in parts,but it is irritating.: MERE BROTHER KI DULHAN.

Old wine in new bottle.: Just watched Mere brother ki dulhan. Same old predictable plot, nothing new at all.didnt liked d movie. But @AliZafarforu was awesome.: In other news, I saw #MBKD today. It was a bullshit movie, everybody over-acting.: Yes.

I din liked as wel. RT @pal36: In other news, I saw #MBKD today. It was a bullshit movie, everybody over-acting.: Mere brother ki dulhan jitni expect ki thi utni a6i nahi thi it was not up to the mark: Watched #MBKD, full paisa barbad muvi, katrina rocks bt imran shocks, ali superb acting override imran.dnt watch #MBKD: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan was a terrible waste of time!!: mere brother ki dulhan.such a b-grade muvi. Bkwassssss: Feebleminded Katrina in #MBKD too much overacting.Dumb movie.: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan reaffirmed why I should continue my Bollywood boycott.: You wait for it to start getting funny, but it never does. Mediocrity abounds. Mere brother ki dulhan - 6/10: Fully predictable, typical YRF movie, poor performance by Ali, typical by Imran, great by Katrina(finally). Gd 1 tm wtch @avkv #MBKD: Aftr watchin #MBKD, givs me a satisfyin feelin that I dont 've younger bro.vry predictable stuff.beside coffee, nothing hawt!

#ksthoughts: Watched movie 'mere brother ki dulhan' can't take any more!: While #friendswithbenefits made me laugh #mbkd made me miss my bed.yawn. #monday #earlymorningwork: A movie NOT to watch - Mere Brother Ki Dulhan. #Fail #Bollywood #India: I actually know people who said these shocking, disgraceful words to me - 'I really loved Mere Brother Ki Dulhan': Mere Brother Ki Dulhan. Extreme torture if third degree. As my dad would say 'Bundle Movie' 1/5: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan – Katrina puts the Dull in Dulhan: While films need scripts to work, in a genre like the.: Mere brother ki dulhan is CRAP!: As we all are aware of the story from the title, it's the writers job to write a gripping screenplay. He failed to do so.

#MBKD: Shayad mera sense of Fuckin humor kuch zyada high level pe hai, ki mujhe Mere Bro ki Dulhan pasand nahi aayi. Aisa log kehte hain!: Just watched MBKD n I really didn't think it was all that great - wonder if I shudve watched bodyguard rather?: 2hr 45min.dimag ki maa ch.da di.itni gandi,movie aaj,tak ni dekhi.agar,free ki ticket mile,toh bhi mat jaana #MBKD dekhne: 'Mere Brother ki Dulhan': What??? STAY AWAY!!!: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan-BORING.:(: MBKD is a Yash Raj Fart: I'm this weird Bollywood lover who enjoys Bodygaurd AND appreciates That Girl In Yellow Boots but can't stand Mere Brother Ki Dulhan. Sigh.: Another Yash Raj Blunder!

Haven't we seen the same old Ghisaa Pitaa Story a 1000 times?? #MBKD: Movie Review: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan- An ordinary Attempt: saw 'mere brother ki dulhan' in a hal.

Wot has my life come Rating: Mere Brother Ki Dulhan -. (Silly Story): Mere brother ki dulhan. Quite dull and predictable for the most part.

One discovery though - ali zafar is more talented than we think: I knew it would be pakaooo! RT @GuttuG: To sum up Mere Brother Ki Dulhan is.yawn yawn yawn. I'll rate it 3/10 #MBKD: Just watched Mere Brother Ki Dulhan. So predictable. Meh.: I say this with no connotations or layered thghts 'Mere Brother Ki Dulhan is boring' and I like friends with benefits;) #mbkd: Illogical movie #MBKD #Bollywood as usual!! Even before you've seen MBKD, you know you can expect only so much from a film like this. A YRF film, after all, is supposed to be enjoyed like a YRF film.

Just like you can't imagine Amir doing a Chulbul Panday and/or Shahrukh doing a Ghajini, it's only feckless to expect serious highbrow cinema from a YRF banner. Yes, it's got cliched characters (very!) and the most predictable plot, but MBKD still makes for a fun film. (If critics are liberal enough to shower a 4 on 5 stars to a film like Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani, this one, surely, deserves lot more love). In the 'different strokes for different folks' department, Meetu - MERE BROTHER KI DULHAN was fun, even if all three recent American converts to Bollywood who saw it last Sunday could see where the story was going even before we started streaming it off of Netflix. (That would be me, my kid brother and our friend Cynthia - the rest of our crowd is in Canada, communing with mosquitoes!) Katrina Kaif was a blast as a vivacious young woman who I doubt marriage will ever tame, Imran Khan did a good job in a part that mostly required him to react with varying degrees of exasperated affection to all the goings-on, and while I felt Ali Zafar's Luv was a bit over-the-top I also felt he kind of fit as the more lively older brother, who Khan's younger Kush balances out.

There's no justification for why we liked it - in fact, I agree with every criticism you made about the movie, but we still had a lot of fun watching it. And how can you hate a film that has a big dance number while everybody (including Ms. Kaif's Dimple, who's supposed to be keeping her wits about her!) is getting stoned off their butts on bhang lassi - let alone the so-obvious-we-pardesi-got-it shout-out to AMAR AKBAR ANTHONY? Yes, Katrina Kaif is no less than enjoyable here, and sometimes quite remarkable - like when she demands Kush propose to her, and her telling him what to say turns slowly and lovingly into what she kind of wife she promises to be to him. From the roles we've liked her in, I suspect Ms. Kaif is at her best when she's called upon to be athletic and physical - it seems like all the action she does gives her license to be soft and vulnerable in other scenes as well.